Monday, August 18, 2008

Daily Horoscope for Taurus - Pt. 2

You may be revisiting an old issue today as you try to find a workable balance between your individual needs and those of your friends and associates. If you are involved in a project with others, it could be challenging to function as part of the team without becoming less effective. Instead of worrying about your productivity now, just do what you can to fit in with the group.

Once again, my horoscope is bang on...
The question is, do I tag along at work when my supervisor and co-workers take hourly to semi-hourly smoke breaks and take advantage of the fact that I get paid for my entire 1 hour lunch, or do I risk appearing anti-social for the benefit of looking good to the executives? It looks like my dilemma has been answered by the stars. Thanks stars, now I can go back to worry about increasing my wi-fi score on the Mario Kart scene.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Daily Horoscope for Taurus

"Although you may imagine a time when you have a lot more freedom than you do now, these aspirations may be rather disconnected from your present circumstances. Fortunately, your current responsibilities could give you the latitude to express yourself in creative ways as long as your productivity doesn't falter. Be patient; if you do your job well, increased freedom may follow."

While I believe in the general personality traits of astrological signs, I mainly read horoscopes for entertainment value. Igoogle is my new workplace distraction (it didn't take me long to find one of those), and fashioning it to show inspirational quotes, Toronto weather and news, and my astrological sign makes my new workspace seem less foreign. I guess eventually one's horoscope, which is apparently supposed to apply to each and every Taurus, Aries, Libra, etc., etc. in the world at this moment, will apply in some way to your life which will make you say "oooo" and "ahhhh". Well, this one did it for me. And I'm sooo hoping it's right *crosses fingers*.