Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Time on the Clock

It's that time of year again! And what a wonderful time it is - that is, if you have the time to stop and smell the holly and the ivy.

Last year was my very first official working world Christmas, and boy did it fly by. Being in school and having the majority of December off for the past 16 years did nothing for my ability to really stop and enjoy the season. Last year came and went like a drop in the frying pan, and with Christmas being my favourite time of year, there was no way I was going to let it happen again. So here is my 12 Ways of Christmas that I've concocted to make sure I make the season bright!

12. Make your own christmas decorations - while rooting through some old boxes of christmas decorations, I found a plain green wreath with no decorations on it, stowed away. So I decided to hit up the dollar store to stock up on everything the glittered and jingled. After spending 3 hours staring intently at the placement of red, green and gold bells, pointsettas, pinecones and bows, I couldn't help but feel a little warmth of the ol' christmas spirit.

11. See the Santa Claus Parade in your town - Every year I make an effort to attend the Santa Clause Parade. In Toronto, we're spoiled to have one of the biggest and oldest parades in the world, but Santa makes sure to stop in, in every little town across the world. And so do a lot of cute kids dressed up as various fairy tale creatures, and marching bands to pump up the volume on the christmas carols. And if it snows - bonus!

10. Go downtown to see the decorations - particularily the mall windows and city hall - the Cavalade of Lights in Toronto is highly recommended by myself - the fireworks display was amazing (what doesn't say Christmas more than a rendition of "Thriller" with human torches running up the side of a massive building?). The trees all lit up and a night-lighed lap or two around the skating rink really sets the mood.

9. Watch every Christmas movie you catch on television - twice. - I will never, ever get tired of the classics like Home Alone (1 and 2. 3 was a disaster.), Charlie Brown's Christmas, A Christmas Story, and my favourite, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I can remember watching these movies as far back as elementary school (I saw Christmas Story for the first time in Grade 2 on the last day of class, and I sincerely reconsidered asking Santa for a BB Gun. Was it too late to change my mind?). Watching these movies definitely brings back fond Christmas memories.

8. Get that Christmas tree up, deck the halls, and the mantle, and the cat - Sure the Christmas tree can be a major hassle to assemble (or cut down, and drag home), each year (hello pine neetles EVERYWHERE), but once it's glittering with lights and decorations, it adds a very nice touch to any room. I also love pulling out the decorations one by one from storage, each one with a story from Christmases past attached. Add wrapped presents, and voila, you have Christmas excitement.

7. Bake Christmas cookies and cakes - Enough said.

6. Make a Christmas-themed cocktail - Ditto.

5. Attend every Christmas party you can - Even if you're not in the Christmas spirit, seeing old friends and singing a couple Christmas carols can really bring the spirits up.

4. Spend the time to find that great gift for that special someone - it might be hard to get something for that special someone who's very picky, or has everything, or even worse, you've known so long that you swear there's nothing left to surprise them with - but the greatest feeling is getting a gift that you know they will love, and you just can't wait to give it to them and see their face on Christmas day.

3. Give to charity - Those Salvation Army pots are not going to fill themselves! At Christmas it's especially important to remember those who need assistance, and are not in the position to have the luxuries of family, friends, presents, parties, etc. this time of year. Even if it's a few dollars, a toy or a just your donated time, every little bit helps to brighten the season for someone else who may need it. Remember, the true spirit of Christmas is of giving!

2. Attend a Christmas mass or service - Now I know this subject can be a little touchy for those who are not reglious (I'm not much one for religion myself), but the story of Jesus' birth and of the spirit of Christmas is very touching and I believe, still rings true in today's society. The Church service I attend each year is very open and rather than preaching damnnation, tells the story of Jesus' birth through carols, and modern-day tales of Christmas spirit in the city. I look forward to it every year!

1. ENJOY IT - Life is short, and even shorter are the days we are given to celebrate. Enjoy when you can, endure when you must.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010! May this year be the one where we finally get it right.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Not Eligible in the Province of Quebec

Do you think contests in Quebec are open to all Canadian citizens, excluding the Province of Quebec? Or does all contest small print read "Open to all Canadian citizens, excluding those outside of the Province of Quebec"?

While we don't have Language Police, cancelled historical re-enactments, or the refusal of service in stores if English is not spoken - we can hold a grudge too. Guess you won't be winning that new laptop or seeing Bon Jovi in Vegas this year. Unfortunate.