Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oh, The Irony!

With the economy still in the pits (whether realistically or simply in the minds of the employers and their terrified minions, it's hard to tell), and the H1N1 flu scare ramping up, sometimes the irony of the situtation in the workplace gets to the point where it's so glaringly obvious, I have to fight the urge to say "Really??? Does no one see the irony here?!"

Take for example my lovely workplace, which at the inital outbreak of H1n1 back in April decided to be pro-active and post numerous public health signs about how to properly sneeze and to wash your hands (things that make me loose a little more faith in humanity, considering that we need signs of instruction for such behaviour in the first place), as well as installing hand sanitizer pumps at each corner of the room. We were also greeted with signage and verbalized warnings of "if you're feeling sick, don't come in, stay home." Great advice, except for the threat of "attendance issues" if you do not give 24 hours notice of not being able to attend that day, and requiring a doctor's note if you need to be away for 3 days or more. Who wants to risk loosing their job for getting sick within 24 hours of a shift, or having to cart your sick, flu-ridden butt to the doctor to pay 20 dollars for a doctor's note and risk putting other people in jeopardy by spreading your disease in public places? Oh yeah, and on top of that, our workplace does not offer sick days. Easy for someone on salary with benefits and sick days to spare; but when I don't come into work, I don't get paid. In this situation, who wouldn't feel inclined to just suck it up and go to work sick? No wonder over 25% of the population has said they would go to work with H1N1 symptoms. Perhaps it's not the employers who should be lecturing the employees, but rather the other way around.

Today another thing got me that made my skin just itch with hypocracy. After ramping up our anti-H1N1 campaign to making us wipe down our desks each day with lysol (great step, and once again something I've done personally since day one of working there), our work decides to make us take part in a mandatory potluck for Halloween. Meaning, here's a list of food, you have no choice but to pick an item, buy it to supply 20 people, and lug it to work on the TTC tomorrow. Great fun. Now not only can I not afford to stay home from work if sick, but with the crappy pay I'm getting due to a "poor economy", I have to bring in lunch for 20.

Well I opted for juice. Even though I don't drink it, it was cheap, give me a break ;)

Our potluck consisted of trays of veggies, bowls of chips, fruit and crackers. All served by our Anti H1N1-toting boss who provided no serving tongs. After watching several employees dig in using their hands to serve themselves, including Anti H1N1-toting boss, I quickly lost my appetite.

1 comment:

Melissa.T. said...

Amen! Couldn't have said that better myself.