Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Convo Du Jour

Facebook Status: Karen just saw a very sad story on the news of the veteran who was largely ignored this year while selling poppies. I am very thankful for their sacrifices and my freedom; we should all take the time to remember and to show our support for our veterans


On the beach in Santa Monica, the US Armed Forces had planted 4, 000 + crosses in remembrance of Operation Get Oil And Quickly Establish Democracy In Iraq. There I was on a typically gorgeous day in California walking the beach with my friend - a juicy hot dog in one hand and a perspiring drink in the other and I couldn't help but be thankful that where we live, the shit is always in a place somewhere far, far away.
Yesterday at 12:51am · Delete

Also in regards to veterans: If they were forced to fight through conscription, then it's not their fault but if it was voluntary, then they were just propagating war mongering. Fuck taking sympathy on old people just because they are old.
Yesterday at 1:00am · Delete

I totally disagree - if someone voluntarily put themselves in the line of danger for your freedom, then they deserve even more praise and recognition for their courage, at any age.
Yesterday at 12:51pm · Delete

I am not disputing their bravery. I am dismayed at the fact that we commemorate murderers when the countries that have fought Canada, also celebrate theirs. People on both sides are killing people for things they strongly believe in. Oftentimes what they strongly believe in is misguided and gets a lot of people needlessly killed.

War is a choice.

We travel great distances to wage war in the name of freedom while the enemy thinks their cause is as important as ours. ... Read More

War is oftentimes ridiculously hypocritical and political. For example, in the 80's, America supported Al-qaeda and the Taliban financially to drive out the Russians in their invasion of Afghanistan. Now, because of a changing political climate (and putting noses into places they don't belong), North American and NATO forces are fighting people that they used to support. They allege that weapons of mass destruction exist where they do not as a veil for wanting control of oil resources and the like. They use words like 'democracy' as propaganda, as rallying cries. You can't invade a place that hasn't had democracy in forever (or at all for that matter) and expect them to adopt your culture's way of doing things.

Remembrance day isn't only about World War 2. If it was, thinks would be a bit more clear cut because North America was fighting a cowardly lunatic who committed suicide. Even then, it's not black and white because there were all these other fucked up countries involved. The Russian with the funny moustache. The Italian with the missing pizza sauce. The Japanese who have since become pacifists after radiation poisoning.

I'm gonna shut up and let you respond =).
Yesterday at 7:13pm · Delete

I totally understand your point, but I think what Rememberance Day is about is putting aside the politics and the right and wrong, and simply celebrating those who faught for a cause they believed in and put their own lives on the line for the good of their fellow man. And if that isn't worth spending a day remembering and being thankful for, I don't know what is.
Yesterday at 10:20pm · Delete

I agree with you completely, Karen.
Yesterday at 10:23pm · Delete

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