Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter for the Mindboggled

Since I'm bollox deep in essays and haven't slept in something over 30 hours at this point, I'm merely going to share something someone wrote and totally appropriate it as my own. Happy Easter!

Easter this year is: Sunday March 23, 2008

As you may know, Easter is always the 1st Sunday after the 1st full moon after the Spring Equinox (which is March 20).

This dating of Easter is based on the lunar calendar that Hebrew people used to identify Passover, which is why it moves around on our Roman calendar.

A couple more things you might be interested in!

Based on the above, Easter can actually be one day earlier (March 22) but that is pretty rare.

This year is the earliest Easter any of us will ever see the rest of our lives! And only the most elderly of our population (aged 95 or more) have ever seen it this early. And none of us have ever -- or will ever -- see it a day earlier! Here are the facts:

The next time Easter will be this early (March 23) will be the year 2228 (220 years from now). The last time it was this early was 1913 (so if you're 95 or older, you are the only ones that were around for that!)

The next time it will be a day earlier (March 22), will be in the year 2285 (277 years from now). The last time it was on March 22 was 1818.

So, no one alive today has or will ever see it any earlier than this year!


Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Never was there said a truer word. Erin Go Bragh! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

What it Means to be a Torontonian - The Urban Dictionary Definition

I came across this in my travels today and I simply had to share. Any Torontonian will definitely get a kick out of this, in that "it's-funny-'cause-it's-true" kinda way:



1. A person who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

2. A gracious and tolerant sort of guy or gal who listens with Herculean patience and nothing but a sad sigh now and then as every ill-educated sheep-shagger, penniless cod-kisser, sexually confused lumberjack and soulless oil tycoon befouling the rest of the country badmouths him tirelessly because they don't have half the cool shit that he does.

3. A person who starts feeling suicidal every year around the time of the Stanley Cup playoffs.

4. Someone who pays fully half of their income in taxes so that a bunch of miserable ingrates living in shacks can spend half the year on the dole, scratching their Molson muscles and bitching about how much they hate Torontonians.

5. A person who can find everything she needs within a twenty-minute walk or bike-ride from her front door.

6. A resident of the 416 area code, but mercifully not of the 905.

7. Someone who is too polite to tell his best friend, who lives in Vancouver, that, 'No, frankly I really don't wish I lived in Vancouver. Not everyone on the whole fucking planet wants to live in Vancouver, for Christ's sake. Besides, your whole goddamned drug-infested city's going to slide into the ocean some day, be it global warming, act of heavenly retribution, or one tremendous motherfucking earthquake. So there.'

Albertan: Torontonians are a bunch of Jesus-hating faggots. We should separate from Canada to get away from them.

Quebecker: Torontonians are a bunch of money-hungry conservatives. We should separate from Canada to get away from them.

Newfoundlander: Torontonians are a bunch of self-centred arses. We should separate from Canada to get away from them

Torontonian: I wish all those fucking leeches would separate from Canada so that I wouldn't have to pay for all their goddamned cigarettes and health care any more.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Today my MP3 player played its last song. It passed into technological oblivion at approximately 4:30 pm EST when it refused to move from the welcome screen into the main menu, and is now caught in an eternal cycle of flashing "SanDisk" and "Goodbye" - this is what MP3 player's hell must look like.

I have decided that after many years of flash-based players and little to no space (two years ago having 2GB of space was considered generous), I'm going to try an ipod classic 80GB. However, with school coming to an end and no relief from papers and exams in sight and therefore hardly any shifts at my store (which, btw, is so desperately bankrupt head office has predicted we won't be open by the end of April), which leaves me too financially unstable to purchase said item.

Which leaves me in a state of desperation - no music to walk to, public transit to, exercise to, drive to, etc. etc. well, just the thought makes me shake in my boots.

Is there anything anyone would like to buy from me? Pretty please????

Saturday, March 8, 2008


I found that a lot of my posts lately have been drawing back to the topic of weather. But with the winter we've had here in Toronto, do you blame me? One thing I can't help but commenting on is the way people in the city, regardless of age, gender, race, or any other difference you can think of, collectively act during winter storms and bad weather.

I was actually excited for this winter storm that is currently upon us simply for the fact that I'm up to my ears in assignments, final papers and impending exams and know that I literally need every hour, minute and second I can get to work on assignments. When I heard there was to be X amount of centimeters dropped overnight and into Saturday I was overjoyed since I had to work this morning and into the afternoon, and a deserted store = time for readings. While the store was much more deserted than usual, I was shocked and almost disturbed at the amount of people who did come in. And not so much over the act of coming to a pharmacy/grocery store, but rather for why and what they were buying.

For example, a man faced trechourous roads and an icy, unplowed bridge (our store is is situated just over the railway tracks) with cars sliding all over the road and buses stalling, unable to get up and though, to drop of two shirts to be laundered at our dry cleaning service. Laundered mind you, soap and water, like what your washing machine does at home.

Another came in to buy a cartload of Dr. Pepper and nothing else. Just Dr. Pepper. I watched him struggle to get the cart though the snow and to his car. 10 minutes later, he dragged the cart though the snow to buy another cartload. Did anyone fail to tell me the Dr. Pepper has excellent snow and ice melting properties?