Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Post-Finals Exhilieration, Point-Form and Ranked

It's the most wonderful time of the year! - in my humble opinion (I could type IMHO, but considering it took me months to finally figure out what the hell that meant, I'll spare the ignorant the trouble), next to Christmas, of course. Don't agree? Here's my list of why spring is the (second!) best time of the year (try and deny these babies):

  1. University is finishing up - all that's left is exams, and are they REALLY that hard? (guaranteed you spend more time researching for papers, writing papers, editing papers, and finishing up your course work then you do studying)
  2. The days are getting longer - the sun is barely down at 8pm, giving you much more time after school/work to enjoy outsideage
  3. The summer outdoor concert series line-ups are announced
  4. It's warm enough to go out without a jacket and enjoy the outdoors, before the smog alerts, sweltering humid heat that makes your clothes stick to you, etc., etc., generally making it impossible to do anything productive.
  5. Tax Return Time - Whole loads of cash money in my hand. The myriad of ways I could enjoy it dance like sugar plums in my head.
  6. My birthday! - That's right y'all. May 17th, part of the May 2-4 weekend in Canada. A looong weekend of BBQs, Drinking, Fireworks, etc. in the spirit of spring and the 22nd year of my birth. Mark it on your calendars.
By the way (btw - there's another, not so difficult one), May is definitely the best month of the year to have your birthday. For all the reasons listed above, and additionally,

  1. Not too close or too far from Christmas - if you have your birthday too close to Christmas, you often get jipped out of presents/celebrations. Right in the middle of the year, people have paid off their christmas credit debt and are in the giving/celebrating mood as the winter lifts and the warm weather sets in (sounds greedy, but it's true!).
  2. May 2-4 weekend: Since my birthday always falls directly on or around Victoria Day Weekend, my parents told me when I was young that they were in celebration of my birthday. I still choose to believe it to this day.
  3. You (most likely) get to be a Taurus: Best zodiac sign by far. Stubborn, loyal, and a hell of a good appreciator for the finer things in life. Don't I know it. (If you are born after May 22, you're a Gemini. God help you).
For these reasons, Spring and May bordering on the horizon have made me a very happy person. Now if only I could get myself a better job and I don't think I could be any happier...for now. :)

1 comment:

johnl said...

when are you DONE ... for real... as in done all your exams?