Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Not Long for This World...

The world of Pharmacy 1 that is. I hope I didn't scare y'all, but since I've neglected my posting duties for nearly 2 months I figured a semi-shocking come back was in order.

Yes, the store is finally closing and this supervisor is as close to mental and physical exhastion as possible, literally dragging myself to work and back everyday. A dangerous equasion I have discovered first hand:

Lack of staff + incompetence and laziness + coupious amounts of bitchy and cheap customers demanding something for nothing + 7 day workweek + 2 days of summer school = 9 day workweek (better known as insanity).

The only thing that gets me through the day is the thought of the sandy beach and the margarita melting in my hand that is only mere weeks away. Being the typical Taurus that insists on treating myself to many indulgences, I'm taking myself on a well-needed and well-deserved (if I do say so myself) grad trip to Varadero, Cuba with Justin at the end of June. I haven't been down south since I was well under the legal drinking age so a trip sans mom and plus copious amounts of alcohol and a cute boy to share it with is nothing to sneeze at. woot.

Summer school is going well and is slightly entertaining, dispite the fact that most of the people in my class are flighty first year girls that insist on filling the air with consistant giggling at things a 9-year-old might laugh at, and sitting on each other's laps to show affection. Buyer beware - when a fine arts course description reads "no experience or ability to read music necessary" they really mean it. And the package that comes with it pretty scary.

Thinking beyond June when I'll be done school (forever!?) and back from the fantasy world of the all-inclusive beach front is probably about the scariest thing I've ever faced. So to distract myself I've been dwelling on simple pleasures and small indulgences. For example, cherry yogourt. It's my favourite of all possible yogourt delights.

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