Sunday, March 8, 2009

Revisitation and Results

Wow it's been a long time. I came to check up on my old dedication and saw that over 1000 people have viewed it. For a site I created as a class requirement that I put little to no faith in, not too shabby!

A year later I've learned quite a bit about the world of virtually anonymous Internet publishing and user-created content. The major discovery being that many people will pass by, very few will post a comment or interact with your page in a visible or quantifiable manner, and even fewer than that will repeatedly visit and contribute in any way. 1% or less, in fact, if I can recall from my portfolio research.

So the question is, why bother? My motivation has always been the same: I simply love to write. This weekend's spring cleaning activities have led me once again to the multiple journals from my childhood and teens, some chalk full and updated on a semi-regular basis, and others started and abandoned, or dotted with rare entries with the promise to write again tomorrow. Each time I browse through and experience the same astounded reaction of being immersed in very real, almost tangible memories and emotions. Things I definitely would have completely forgotten due to my goldfish-like memory.

I think that's sad. And right then and there I dedicate myself to the importance of contributing to a documentation of a life that would otherwise go forgotten and unnoticed.

There is an importance in every day activities and experience. The human body is quite a spectacular thing - it naturally tries to eradicate the negative emotions and memories and place those which are positive on a pedestal. But its those negative experiences that are life's greatest teachers, and one cannot appreciate the good without the bad as something to compare and contrast. Or else we're all doomed to a 2 steps forward, 1 (or even 2) steps backward life of near-static being. One of my greatest fears, perhaps.

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