Thursday, March 26, 2009

Imagination Crunch Time

Well, this is my first march in years (4 to be exact, 8 if counting high school) that I haven't been ripping my hair out between work and finals at school. Everyone who graduated before me, and those who heard through the grapevine, promised me a splendiferious working life of coming home and having no homework/readings/papers/studying/etc. etc. to deal with. Ok, so it is pretty sweet - in theory.

But here I am, middle o March as a full-time working girl, bored and alone while all my school-workin friends are slaving away day and night. While I watch re-runs of Dog the Bounty Hunter and Jon and Kate plus 8 and contribute to the size of my ass.

Not having responsibilities ain't all it's cracked up to be. Remember having summer as a kid and by the end of it, being so bored out of your skull you actually looked forward to school starting again (keep in mind I'm the only child of a single mother who never went to summer camp or had the money to go out shopping every day with my friends. I hated those kids *grumble*). So now, those promised days of having freedom from the bonds of school work have become tedious hours thinking about how I should be doing something productive, but can't seem to wrap my head around what.

Just a warning to all those energetic, enthusiastic pre-gradutes out there: when you start working for a living 40 hours a week plus commuting time, you come home from work exhausted. I mean, any incling of energy you have left is spent making your dinner and thinking about what you you're going to wear/eat/do at work the next day. All you want to do is veg. And then the mind starts to go... you start to think thoughts like "what's the meaning of my life?", "Am I living life to the fullest?", and "did I use the last 3 hours playing video games and eating cheeze-its effciently?"

The answer to all is - damn. I miss school.

So while all of you bitch about having to write your papers, or study for your exams, think of me and all us working zombies who are slowly losing our minds in a state of endless lethargy.

I really need to get out more.

1 comment:

Melissa said...


I agree! I feel like a zombie and I am always questioning my purpose in life! Furthermore, with regards to the Summer Holidays analogy... I find that this "summer break" is a never-ending one that encompasses all four seasons!!