Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Streek of Light

A day later, I am still greatly saddened and distressed upon hearing the news of the death of one of my favourite radio personalities, Martin Streek.

Martin Streek Dead at 45

Martin was a radio personality on 102.1 The Edge in Toronto up until May 2009, when he was very surprisingly laid off. Embarrassingly enough, I didn't notice his absence since I've basically stopped listening to the radio altogether since I graduated from university and listen to nothing but my ipod on the subway ride to work and back each day. Upon hearing of his suicide, I couldn't believe such a incredibly talented and passionate man would take his own life.

As difficult as it is as a mourning fan, I must say that following the initial upset, I began to ponder the selfishness of suicide and the legacy that leaves behind for friends, family and fans who are the ones who have the deal with the pain. Especially as someone who is an icon and role model to many, taking one's own life with so much potential and talent does not bode well for those who may have, and continue to, look up to him. As a public figure, I believe those who have the limelight also have a heightened responsibility to "do the right thing", for lack of a better term. I don't claim to know his personal life or the demons he may have faced in other areas of it, but from the outside looking in, if someone that talented and well-known feels suicide is the only solution following a layoff, there are thousands upon thousands of people in North America alone currently in the same boat; those with likely nowhere near the passion and talent of this man, and yet, still have the courage to keep working toward the future despite the obstacles they face.

That said, I will miss you Martin. I found myself surprised at how emotionally affected I was all day yesterday upon finding out the news. You were always such a pleasure to listen to, especially at the Phoenix on Saturdays. I will never forget how you made my 22nd birthday by playing "No One Knows" and giving me a happy birthday shout-out, and putting us all on your guestlist. All your effort to hand out free tickets to events by continued correspondence to your fans through e-mail was commendable, you really went above and beyond your duties at the station, and one could really see the passion you had for the industry and the listeners. I know you will find peace - good luck with wherever you're off to next. Console those who loved you - they will need it.

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