Monday, July 20, 2009

I Would Hire Me

Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my working at my current position. Looking back now, I remember this time last year still reaking of suntan lotion and mojitos from my trip to Cuba. I remember getting a call in regards to my resume just days after beginning to look for my first job right outta the old Alma Matter. It was supposed to be a part-time only deal, which gave me more than ample time the rest of the week to look for something a little meatier. Within a month, an employee left and I was bumped up to full-time with a whole new duty to learn and perform while I wasn't editing.

A year later and here I am, still wondering - was it worth it? You get sucked in sometimes with too many excuses - I need the money, it's an honest work, this will look good on my resume. I believed the old adage "Work at least one year at your first job out of school, it shows you have committment". This wasn't meant to be my first job, but I kind of got sucked in. Now, a year later, I'm still waiting to hear back on a few resumes I threw out into the fray that really tickle my fancy. Do you ever notice that the job applications you really think you did well on, the ones you really feel you'd honestly be the perfect candidate for, you never hear back from? Yet the ones you apply for in error (OOPS did I just hit the "apply" button?) call you back the very next day offering you an immediate interview. I don't even have any experience in the insurance industry! But I have three 3 years in media...

Whatever. I'd hire me.

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