Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Escapades

Ok, so not even a full week into my blog's creation and I've already failed to maintain my goal of at least one post a day. Boo. I guess this is going to be harder than I thought, especially since this I'm not even in school at the moment. But I suppose my excuse is semi-valid, since it 's growing ever-nearer to Christmas day and I've been out doing lots of fun holiday things.

Yesterday I finally made it over to Casa Loma to see their Christmas display. For those of you who may not be blessed enough to live in Toronto (that's right, I went there!), Casa Loma is about the closest thing we Torontonians have to a castle in Ontario. Being a huge castle/manor home enthusiast, I especially love visiting during Christmas because the "castle" (more like small mansion with Victorian-style decor) is decorated with christmas trees and themed displays. This year was Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Here's a few pics:

As beautiful as the place is, I'd have to say that I've still been throughly disappointed the past few years that I've gone around Christmas. I used to go every year when I was a kid before my parent's were divorced, and they used to put a lot more into the decorations and themed events. Then again, it could just be my age and the loss of the "magic" of the place, I don't know. I'm still a pretty big kid, especially around Christmas, so I sincerely doubt it. However, it's a great place to visit and I highly recommend you do before the end of the season!

To finish off the night, John Justin and I, along with Justin's dad, went down to Yuk Yuks for a night of laughs. John Dore, that homeless-looking dude from the show of the same name on the Comedy Network was headlining which was a treat. We sat dead front row, so we knew we were going to be the brunt of a lot of jokes. John got Justin and I good because we had our arms around each other the whole show, as if we expected a nuclear holocaust to hit at any moment and wanted to be prepared for the blast that may separate us. No one got hit as many times as Justin's dad though. I guess that's what you get for looking so akin to Santa Claus considering the season and wearing a denim suit in the front row.

Anyway, I met John after the show to tell him that his show is boring, but his stand up piss-your-pants funny (I probably would have come close if I had anything in my bladder. And I would of, if in the 90 minutes of our table's service light being on the waitress had visited us even once). He told me that when the sun and planets revolve around me, as they appear to in my mind, then the show will change to fit my standards. Great fun :)

I have to say I'm having a great holiday this year. Last year Justin was in Whistler, and a lot of friends who I expected to be there for me weren't. This year I feel especially blessed. Last year was one of the hardest years of my life, but 2007 has proven to have made up for any hardship and more. I have my health (well sort of) and my friends and family. Who could ask for anything more? Except maybe a white Christmas (Please? :)

I'll close this post with the words of Ozzy Osbourne:

Crazy, but that's how it goes.
Million of people living as foes.
Maybe its not too late,
To learn how to love and forget how to hate.

I'm going off the rails on a crazy train...and I like it! Lates.

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