Monday, December 17, 2007

Post the First - The Beginning

So this is it. Post uno. The beginning of my little experiment.

So let me warn you first and foremost. I'm your ordinary, run-of-the-mill 20-something student from Toronto. Although some (definitely not many), would argue otherwise, I'm nothing special. In fact, I'm probably less ordinary than most, but in a negative way - due to the fact that I don't do much. I have no special talents, nor interesting hobbies. I have few significant qualities that may make me stand out from the crowd. I'm just me, take me or leave me, love me or hate me.

Living the life of the average girl-next-door has not been easy. You know those people who act out to get attention, not caring whether its positive or negative? That's never been me, but I've been that everygirl long enough to know why one would do such a thing. So here I am, starting a blog. A blog that will feature the ramblings and rants of a boring, average-in-every-way girl. I promise no more and no less, so don't tell me you weren't warned. Turn back now while you still can.


In September 2007, I joined AS/SOSC 4304 - Advanced Problems in Communications Thought. As a class project, we have to create a portfolio by the end of the year, which includes a blog. I've decided that this will be a type of social experiment. For my case study, another large project, I focused upon the motivations of readers who access blogs on a daily basis. I wanted to further my research of this phenomenon and make it personal. Will the words of a stranger entice another stranger to read, relate, and communicate? How do you measure a blog's success?

Why do you care about me?

See you tomorrow...

1 comment:

johnl said...

wow so you and john both decided to start blogs?