Monday, December 17, 2007

Tickle Me Emo

So after one post, I've gotten my first bit of feedback. WooT! Mind you, it was from a close friend who I basically posted the link to and said "hey, read this, NOW". Forced reading doesn't count....or does it? I think if I stick to my goal of posting everyday from now until the end of the semester next year, and I'll just see where things take me and go with the flow. The plan is no plan. Nice...

So, my feedback was (understandibly looking back) that I sounded "a bit emo". Ok, I deserved that. But then I would be about the biggest hypocrit going considering I make fun of emo kids left, right and centre (and above! ^^). In reality though, I'd say I'm much closer to what I like to call a "Realist".

It all started years ago. I remember back when I was dating my first boyfriend. I'm still convinced his mother was the female heir to the throne of Satan himself, and she hated me. To hate a thirteen-year-old girl, to verbally put her down, give her the silent treatment and lock her out of the house (not to mention leave her stranded on the side of the road when she finally gets up the guts to tell you where to go and how to get there), I should have realized the lady was loony toons and not taken a word or glance of her's seriously. I still remember how hurt and confused I was when my boyfriend uttered the words down the phone line one not-so-speical evening "so my mom told the family over dinner tonight that you're a pessimist, and a bad influence on me".

A pessimist? Me? Happy, dorky me? I admit my humour is dry and I'm a tad sarcastic (k, maybe a little more than a tad), but I never once thought of myself as a pessimist. They say if you're called a name or told you're something that you're not, you just let it go and it doesn't bother you. But this bothered me. Till this day, it still does. Throughout the years of my adolescence, I continued now and then to be labelled as a pessmist, and then yesterday as "emo". But I finally figured it out one day, it just came to me. I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist.

I don't think the worst, but I understand that life is unfair, disparity is rampant, nothing is promised, and Murphy's Law is surprisingly accurate. I don't see the glass as half empty or half full, I just know that whatever's left should be enjoyed as who knows how long it'll be there until it's taken away. For exmaple, take a story I read from Ozzy Osbourne's autobiography earlier this evening - Ozzy has abused drugs and alcohol for nearly 30 years, and had frequent unprotected sex with strangers on a regular basis in his youth. He has lived the rock-and-roll lifestyle for decades and admits that he should be dead. A friend of his who lived on the straight and narrow fell out of a window to what should have been a guarenteed death. He miraculously recovered, then proceeded to die the day after leaving the hospital in a car crash.

Point is - life isn't a dress rehersal, this is the real deal. There's no practicing, so take it seriously and realize that this moment could be your last. Don't take bullshit, appreciate everything you have, and get your damn head out of the clouds and get real.

I'd say that's my motto. Give everyone a chance. Get what you give in return. And always remember that when it comes down to it, it's every man for himself. So be selfish, look out for number one, and when life tries to screw you, screw back.

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