Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Blog Identity

I'm surprisingly chipper and alert after nine hours straight of class, my usually Tuesday schedule, but it may be due to my new commitment to stay healthy, take my supplements, and eat foods generally fresh and unpackaged. So this is what feeling good feels like...in all honesty it probably won't last. Feeling good is exhausting.

We discussed where we are in our portfolio today in my 4304 class, the class that inspired me to start up a new blog, and forcefully stick to it for at least April. So far so good.
We were talking about privacy issues, and how anyone anywhere could access our information, our opinions, our lives. Potential stalker issues, yada yada. Then a lightblub went off in my head ("Cap'n, I think I've had an apostrophe!", "I think you mean 'epiphany'" - Hook), and I realized why that doesn't bother me in the least.

You see, I wouldn't write anything here that I wouldn't say directly to anyone face-to-face. Friend, family, stranger or the like. There are certain things that are meant to be private, or at least said in confidence to a close friend in the confines of your own space. What I love about the medium of the blog is that I'm not imposing my beliefs on anyone who doesn't want to hear them. If you don't like what I say, are offended, or just plain bored, you're doing so on your own accord. Just don't look. And if you are looking, then hey, I must be doing something right. I'm not gonna lie, it's flattering and pleasant to hear friends, acquaintances, and strangers say "hey, loved your blog", or "you're such a good writer", whether or not I think either statement is true (I'm not being modest, I've really never understood why people enjoy my writing so much, especially in the past few days when I've gotten many an essay returned with "it could have been so much more " or "admirable, but much to be corrected". Boo.)

So if anyone wants to track me down after being offended at my comments, or try to piece together who I am through little bits and pieces of fragmented, sporadic postings, go ahead. I'll save you the effort. I'm available for a beer anytime if you really want to get to know me.

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