Sunday, January 6, 2008


In case you were wondering how I fared since my last post on the dreadful day before my first class of the semester, (and I know you all were holding your breath in painful anticipation,) I totally rocked out with my cock out, and if I had a cock to rock, I totally would.

You know when there's a small group of people, everyone kinda chills amongst each other and gets along. There's no real people who stick out in the group, everyone is kinda equally just there and contributing to whatever goal or topic of conversation is going on. And then a few more people join the group and there's like one or two real cool kids, and then for some reason or another those kids who were an integral part of the previous group totally fade into the background. Yeah. I'm totally that guy.

I've always hated my friday class, mainly for an equal mix of the following reasons:
1. It's Friday
2. It's Modern poetry. Blech.
3. It's full of weird poetry-types that are ironically cool and oh-so-clever

This past Friday, however, only about 40% of the class showed up - the rest either not knowing that our stupid school started in the middle of the first week of the year, or rather deciding to start on the same day as the rest of the normal functioning world. Needless to say, our little group of 12 got on quite well discussing the poetry of Geoffrey Hill (don't worry, I'd never heard of him either), and low and behold, I was listened to by my peers, even asked questions. Hell, I did a coffee run (I don't know how that makes me popular, but it does damn it!). Anyway, next week will go back to normal. My comments will be likely ignored, and I'll be left out of the side-lined conversations about ikea furniture or disney movie plunders. I hate that class.

Anyway, I had a wonderful weekend. I finally got a chance to check out the movie Juno, which was really funny but also really authentic, and could easily pass for a true story. The issue of teen pregnancy was dealt with in a comic but serious manner. Check it out, y'all! I also got to check out an awesome hole-in-the-wall (and horribly placed) bar called Neutral in Kensington Market. It had super 80's retro and current rocky dancey-pop. And it was soooo lovely to hang out with a group of adults and have fun adult conversations (my discussion of a dream I had the previous night about wanting to bang ol' dirty Gene Simmons aside, of course). AND you can't go wrong with 2 dollar shots of jager, bar rails, and beers - with free mix! It almost even contends with Mod Club - GASP, I know. That's almost blasphemous to say...I'll wash my mouth out with some really grade-A Listerine when I'm finished up here.

Anyway, what I love about dirty dance floors with disco balls and spunky brit pop - you can dance any way you like with anyone you like, however you like. And its ok, you're still cool. P.S. you're not going to impress anyone there, so don't worry about trying so hard. Yay!


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