Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Blue Christmas

I often experience things on a semi-regular basis that make me loose a little more faith in humanity each time, yet I experienced something last night that truly takes the cake. Before leaving for Christmas Eve mass, I had my purse, wallet, digital camera and cell phone stolen from my boyfriend's house. I had left it on the table on the foyer while I took off my coat and put his present under the christmas tree, and when I came back to get it, it was already gone. The digusting excuse for a human being that took it is a rich little 16-year-old punk that came into the house to buy alcohol off of Justin's little brother for a party, and clearly picked it up off the table on his way out.

The two worst things about it are not that I had my digi cam stolen for the second time this year (the first was from a club when I put the camera down in the bathroom and left it - totally my fault, I understand), and that I had to cancel my credit cards and now have to apply for new health cards, driver's license, and everything else that was in there. Or that I have to buy a new cell phone. The worst is that the kid is loaded, doesn't have to work for anything he has or will get anytime soon, and probably has no use for an old Moto Razr (he probably has the Razr 2 by now if anything) and a digi cam he can't even use once the battery is dead. It's also Christmas, for God's sake. That's the effing lowest you can possibly get, I'm sorry.

After tearing a house apart which I was only in for less than 5 minutes for it to go missing, Justin's brother has given the kid's phone number to Justin, who has promised to harrass this kid until he fesses up. Which I don't think will happen, but it's worth a try. My mom wants me to go to the police, but I'm sure they have better things to do than investigate some chick's stolen purse. I don't blame them.

What I wonder is what has the world come to? What motivates people to do the despicable things they do? When we in the Western world have so much, and yet we cannot resist the temptation for more. If I've learned anything from this its the sad truth that you really can trust no one, not even in an environment that in your mind is safe and secure and loving. It's a harsh reality I think we all need to face on a day when love and peace is at its apparent pinnacle.


J-DUB said...

That was a very heart felt measssage and it hurts me to hear that on Christmas you have to deal with something like this. I hope everything works out (I am sure it will everything always seems to end up great in the end). And I hope the rest of your Christmas holiday turns out great. Merry Christmas

missdelite said...

Kid's a klepto no doubt!

J-DUB said...

Check out my post,I added some additional thought to what happened to you