Sunday, December 23, 2007


It's only taken a week, but I've come to the conclusion that it is near impossible to post every day. Unless I give up a little sleep each day, and if you know me, you know there's also a snowball's chance in hell that that's gonna happen.

Speaking of a snowball's chances, the only thing that got me through last week's huge snowstorm and the hours of back-breaking snowshovelling was the guarantee of a white christmas. At least I thought it was a guarantee, considering the snow up to my shins and the pile of snow in the backyard offically taller than me by the end of two snow shovellings. Coldest fall in years, and the days before Christmas *poof* highs of 10 and torrential downpours. Remeber at the beginning of the post I said I'm not a pessimist, its just that Murphy's Law is always in effect? Yea, I hate to say I todaso...

So today was supposed to be the biggest shopping day of the year. Over a billion dollars in North American spent on Visa cards alone, it was estimated. At my store, slow and shitty business as usual. The store is dead as inanimate object can be all 9 hours of it's business day, yet I still had to argue with some lady who decided that 6pm was too early to close and continued to shop 20 minutes after everyone else, including most staff had left. "But its holidays!" (bad grammer and all), to which I replied "yes, that's why everyone wants to go home who have been here for 10 hours today."

A lot of people really don't understand what retail workers go through during the holidays. I've worked part-time retail at Christmas for the past 5 years. First of all, when you're part-time you get stuck with the shitty hours no one else wants - late shifts, christmas eve, boxing day (absolute worst by far!). I haven't had a boxing day off since...probably since I was 16. Not that I'm complaining, in fact I'd rather work and get paid time and a half. Point is - it's absolute choas. A note to all those planning on shopping this christmas and boxing day:

Number 1: It's going to be busy. GASP - you may have to wait in a line. This may take up to 5 more minutes out of your day than you'd usually experience. Additionally, the product(s) you are looking for may be sold out. The staff at the store you're working in are still recovering from their busy christmas day with their families, just like you. They've probably been up since 5 am, to arrive at the store to prep for its early openings. They probably been yelled at, pushed, and talked down to several times before you're arrival. No one is holding a gun to your head, making you shop on some of the busiest days in the year. If you can't take the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen and make it more comfortable for the rest of us who don't have a choice.

My point is, retail workers are people too (that sounds like something else that should be on Mr. Snowman's posterboard). They're all exhasted from the holidays, so do them a favour. Don't rush up to the front of the line and say "I only have one item", then roll your eyes and give them attitude when they tell you to get in line. Be patient, say thank you. You don't know how much we appreciate it.

This has been a public service announcement from your friendly neighboorhood retail worker. Merry Christmas everyone.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya! As someone who's worked in retail for the past 6 years, I can conclude that retail work is the crappiest! Customers want you to be on your arms and knees serving and catering to their every need. I work tomorrow at the "lovely" retail store I work for when I'm not on Habbo. Best of luck with your work within the next couple of days :)

Anonymous said...

I dont know what happened, but apparently it made me appear like I am annonymous!...gah, computers! this is Melissa from class btw.

Oh, and feel free to post on my RANT blog. I figure a great way to - at least try - to get people to my site is to include a lot of Drama.