I've really gotten into this blogging thing since I started a few months back. It's incredibly liberating to be able to say what I think and feel and not have a scary face in front of mine with an even scarier brain hiding behind that; one of which is going over my words and churning out reactions that I can't possibly know or hear. A blog is one big blank non-judgmental canvas that allows me to operate in full-blown stealth mode: if I can't see you, you're not there. De-lightful!
(No but seriously, I would love if someone commented on my page. If I could evoke some sort of discussion or even make someone's day with my incessant ramblings, I would be happy. Please love me!)
I used to write weekly articles for this website called TOstudent.com, 2 or 3 summers ago. I remember being really stoked when I got picked out of a pool of other would-be journalists for the summer. Only draw-back: it was entirely voluntarily, not a dollar to be made. But I was promised media passes to concerts, restaurants, etc., and it would look bright and shiny in the largely empty volunteer section of my resume. I think I lasted 2 months - after which I hadn't been given a single media pass for any concert, or restaurant, or even a cheap movie on Toonie Tuesdays at the Rainbow Theatre. So I told them to vamoose.
So I found out the site has become Citystudent.com, and they still have my articles listed even though they totally don't deserve them, those slave-driving deceptive bastards. So I'm taking it back.
Here's one of my favourites from my days of being an oh-so-rebellious suburban pop-punk highschooler:
Concert Etiquette – A Collection of Do’s, Don’ts and Pet Peeves for the Common Concert Goer
By Karen Gore
Any fan of any genre of music will most likely agree that concerts are one of the most amazing ways to experience music. A live show offers so much more than your stereo or MP3 player: a decorated venue with expensive sound equipment that delivers ear pounding, body rocking sound. Light and visual effects that take the music to new heights, and of course a crowd of excited, screaming fans that pump pounds of energy into the intense atmosphere that swallows you. Oh, and don’t forget your favourite artist mere metres away belting out your favourite tunes.
2. Trying to Start Mosh Pits – when the concert hasn’t started. This applies mostly (while, actually entirely), to standing room concerts. It’s particularly bad when a concert is sold out and the venue plays the sardine game – trying to see how many people they can pack into a tiny space. When you’re surrounded on all sides by hundreds of sweaty, excited people, and packed so tightly you can’t move an inch without grabbing a miscellaneous body part of another crowd member, it’s easy for one single person’s movement to affect the whole crowd. Some people seem to think that its fun to start pushing other crowd members and trying to start a semi-mosh pit, while watching a hundred people fall backward into each other. Personally, falling under the feet of a crowd of up to 1000 or 2000 people doesn’t sound like fun to me. Neither does trying to keep my balance while falling onto other sweaty, smelly concert-goers in the process. So cut it out.
3. Pushing Unwilling Crowd Members into Mosh Pits. Speaking of mosh pits, not everyone enjoys them. It’s not that I’m against them at all. In fact, it’s often impossible to resist the urge to mosh when that certain song begins to play. However, some crowd members think that everyone should join them in the pit, or maybe they just get into it a little too much. Whatever it is that drives them, some people just love to push others into the pit. Ok, reality check – some people don’t like to run into other people as hard and fast as they can while kicking and throwing their arms around all recklessly-like. And hey, I don’t blame them! So respect the people at the edge of the pit. Chances are, if they’re not going in on their own, they really don’t want or need your help.
4. Standing in Front of People Shorter Than You. I must admit, this isn’t always avoidable. Everyone at a concert is obviously going to be of various heights, and especially when there are no seats, it’s almost impossible to avoid standing in front of someone who is shorter than you. But coming from a person who’s a mere 5 foot, 3 inches, I’ve seen the worst of it. I’ve had people at least a foot taller than me stand directly in front of me, so that both their head and shoulders manage to encompass the entire stage. It’s not like they don’t know I’m there – many have turned around to speak to their friends or just to have a look at the crowd and are completely aware that half the audience behind them are staring at nothing but their back. The decent thing to do would be to offer the shorter person (or persons) directly behind you a spot in front of you. Hey, news flash - they’re shorter than you! It’s not like they’re going to block your view. So respect others and be aware of those behind you, especially if you’re above average height.
5. Guys Who Take Their Shirt Off. Note: this is BAD. Everyone gets hot and sweaty at concerts, it’s enviable. While it may seem like a great idea to take your shirt off, everyone else around you has to suffer. I don’t think anyone enjoys feeling the sweaty, dripping skin of a fellow fan rubbing up against them. This is especially true when the person can’t avoid the contact – i.e. in a mosh pit or when someone’s body surfing. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget two little words – back acne (or bacne, if you will).